Shirburn Castle

Shirburn Castle is at the village of Shirburn, 6 miles (9.7 km) south of Thame, Oxfordshire.

Shirburn Castle was the seat of the Earls of Macclesfield. George Parker, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield (c.1695–1764), celebrated as an astronomer, spent much time conducting astronomical observations at Shirburn Castle, which his father had bought in 1716. Here he built an observatory and a chemical laboratory. In 1761 the astronomer Thomas Hornsby observed the transit of Venus from the castle grounds.

The present owner of the castle is the Beechwood Estates Company, the Macclesfield family estate management company. Following a long-running and acrimonious court battle, the 9th Earl of Macclesfield, Richard Timothy George Mansfield Parker, was evicted from the family seat at the end of 2004 and the castle currently stands unoccupied.


English Heritage Information

The castle is listed as Grade 1 by English Heritage with the following details:

Castle, now country house. Built 1377, possibly by Henry Yevele (Harvey), for Warin de Lisle: re-modelled after 1716 for Thomas Parker, Earl of Macclesfield, and his son and also in the early C19. Brick, partly rendered: centre of west front of dressed chalk and limestone. Roof and chimney materials not known. Quandrangular plan with rounded corner towers. Early Perpendicular style, re-modelled in Georgian-style and early C19 Gothick style. 3-storeys; symmetrical 7-window range. Main west front: tall central gate tower is flanked by 2-, extended in C18 to 3-, storey bays: tall corner turrets have 2 windows to front. Double-chamfered 4-centred doorway: studded double doors. Drawbridge leads to C19 steps with flanking cast-iron, lamps across moat. Georgian round-headed openings to sashes, and crenellated parapet. Other elevations also re-modelled in early/mid C18, including sashes and crenellated parapet. C18/early C19 additions and water tower of 1870 attached to south range. Interior: hall has early C18 staircase with fine carved and turned balusters. Armoury re-modelled as vaulted Gothick-style entrance hall in early C19. Re-modelling of c.1830 included building of drawing room and library to north, billiard room converted from old north library over hall, large bedroom and dressing room converted from old dining room to east, and baronial hall left of entry. Smoking room made in north-west tower in 1873. Shirburn Castle is the earliest brick building in Oxfordshire: its plan can be compared with other late C14 castles such as Castle Bodiam, Yorkshire, of 1378, and Bodiam, Sussex,of 1385. The Chamberlain family held the castle for Charles I, before surrender to Sir Thomas Fairfax in 1646. Thomas Parker, Earl of Macclesfield and later Lord Chancellor, bought Shirburn Castle in 1716. The library which he founded includes 2 Caxton editions and the letters of Isaac Newton amongst its famous collection of antique books. The Parkers helped make Shirburn a noted scientific and literary centre in the C18: a pioneering observatory, since demolished, was founded in 1739. Inspection not possible. Description compiled from photographs and published sources. (Shirburn park and gardensd are included in the HBMC Register of Gardens at Grade II; V.C.H.: Oxfordshire, Vol. VIII, pp. 180-183; Buildings of England: Oxfordshire, pp. 761-2; Shirburn Castle, Country Life, Vol. VII, 1900, pp.80-84; John Harvey, The Perpendicular Style, 1978, p.107; measured drawings of smoking room dated 1873 in National Monuments Record, 19660/46n8-50).

Historical Literature

The castle is recorded in The Castles of England: their story and structure Vol. I:

The castle of Shirburn is in Pirton Hundred, near Wallington, in the S.W. of the county. An earlier castle certainly occupied this site, erected, as some say, by the Norman, Robert D’Oyley, the builder of Wallingford and Oxford Castles, the lands having been granted to him by the Conqueror. In 1141 the castle was delivered up to the Empress Maud in return for the release of King Stephen’s sewer, William Martel. Camden says that the barony and manor were held in the reign of Henry III. by Henry de Tyeis, under Richard, King of the Romans, and Earl of Cornwall, who obtained a charter of free-warren in 28 Edward I. He died in 1307, and on the death of his only son Henry, s.p., this castle was brought in marriage by his daughter Alice to Warine de Lisle, who, in 1321, joined with Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, Lord Badlesmere (see LEEDS, SUSSEX), and other nobles, in their conspiracy against King Edward II. and the Despencers; and it was at Shirburn that they met to form their plans. After their disastrous defeat at Boroughbridge, de Lisle was taken prisoner, and was hanged by the king at York. His grandson Warine, the second baron, participated in the glories of the French wars under Edward III., and having doubtless amassed wealth there, he obtained a licence to crenellate his abode in 1377, at which date we may conclude the existing stricture to have been built. He died 6 Richard II., leaving a daughter and heir, Margaret, the wife of Thomas, Lord Berkeley, and their only child, Elizabeth, who was married to Richard Beauchamp, twelfth Earl of Warwick, inherited Shirburn. Thence it is said to have gone for a time to the Talbots, and subsequently, according to an MS. quoted in the ” Memoir of Shirburn Castle,” by Mary Frances, Countess of Macclesfield, the estate was granted in 1426 to the Quatremaynes, an Oxfordshire family. Of them Leland relates that, by a succession of deaths, they came to an end (temp. Henry VI.) in Richard Quatremain, who settled Shirburn on “a servant caullid Thomas Fowler, his clerk, a toward felaw, that was chauncelar of the Duchy of Lancastre,” and upon his son, Richard Quatremain Fowler, who inherited and squandered the estate, so that in 1577 Shirburn became by exchange the property of Richard Chamberlain, of Cotys, in Northumberland, who had married Sibyl, daughter of this Richard Fowler.

These Chamberlains were a French family originally descended from the Tankervilles of Normandy, chamberlains to the Dukes of Normandy, who in England changed their name to that of their office, as did the Stewards and others; they resided at Shirburn. The last of his race, John Chamberlain, dying in 1654, left only daughters, the eldest of whom, Mary, was married to Sir Thomas Gage, of Firle, Sussex. Her fourth son, Joseph Gage, inherited Shirburn from his mother, and likewise his aunt’s shares of the property. His son, Thomas, created Viscount Gage in 1720, in 1716 sold Shirburn Castle and lands to Lord Thomas Parker, Lord Chief Justice, who in 1718 was made Lord Chancellor, and in 1721 was further created Earl of Macclesfield by George I. The castle and lands are still in the possession of the Earl of Macclesfield, his descendant, who continues to reside in this grand fourteenth century fortress.

During the civil war of Charles I. Shirburn was held by a lady of the Chamberlain family and her son, nominally for the King, and with a small garrison, but in so neutral a manner that no offensive measures were adopted against the Parliament forces, whose stronghold was at Henley, self-defence being mainly intended. To this policy may be ascribed the preservation of this fine medieval building amid the wreck and ruin that fell upon almost all similar structures in the kingdom. In June 1646 General Fairfax accepted the surrender of Shirburn Castle, which thereby escaped the disastrous attentions of the Committee in London.

The castle is rectangular in plan, having a central open courtyard, and at each of the four exterior angles a massive round tower rising straight out of the wide and deep moat, which, supplied with running water from springs, encircles the whole fabric. Access to the castle is gained by crossing three drawbridges, and the summit of the walls is battlemented throughout; the main entrance is guarded by a portcullis. The medieval effect of the ancient pile is somewhat impaired by the modern sash windows which have been inserted. In Skelton’s “Antiquities of Oxfordshire” a large drawing of the castle is given, showing round-headed windows throughout in the two upper storeys, the basement being lighted by a few oillets only; there is a view also of the principal entrance with its fine groined roof. So well built is this castle that the rooms below the level of the water in the moat are quite dry.

It is not easy to reconcile the above commonly-received history of the ownership of Shirburn Castle with what is said in the curious and ancient letter of Brunetto Latini, the tutor and friend of Dante, which is given in translation in the Monthly Magazine or British Register for June 1802. Latini of, Florence is said to have been the restorer of learning in Italy in the thirteenth century, a philosopher and a magistrate of great account. Being a staunch Guelphite he was driven out by the Ghibellines, and sought refuge in France, whence he may have come over to England with Richard, Earl of Cornwall, the titular King of the Romans and brother to Henry III. He writes thus, in old romance French, in a letter (which has been preserved among several others) to his friend in Italy: “The Parliament being summoned to Oxford I had an opportunity of visiting that famous school. Our journey from London to Oxford was, with some difficulty and danger, made in two clays; for the roads are bad, and. we had to climb hills of hazardous ascent, and which to descend are equally perilous. We passed through many woods, considered here as dangerous places, as they are infested with robbers, which, indeed, is the case with most of the roads in England. This is a circumstance connived at by the neighbouring barons, from the consideration of sharing in the booty, and these robbers serving their protectors on all occasions, personally, and with the .whole strength of their band. However, as our company was numerous, we had nothing to fear. Accordingly we arrived the first night at Shirburn Castle, in the neighbourhood of Wallington, under the chain of hills over which we passed at Stocquinchurque (Stokenchurch). This castle was built by the Earl of Tanqueville, one of the followers of William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy … It is now in the possession of a descendant of the said earl.”

By Camden’s account Henry de Tyeis was at that time holding Shirburn under the Earl of Cornwall (who probably brought Latini here in his suite), but he, too, may have been of the Tankerville race, as the Chamberlains, according to Camden, had their seat here for many generations. This may account for that family acquiring the place again (temp. Henry VIII.), or the Quartermain proprietorship may have referred to the manor only.

A doubt has been thrown on the authenticity of these letters of Brunetto Latini, but perhaps undeservedly, for the translator gives parts of them in their original French of the period in question. Much that Latini here writes of his visit to Friar Bacon, at Oxford, of his being told by him of the invention of gunpowder, and of the mariner’s compass, is curious and interesting—if true. The letter is quoted in the Bulletin of the Paris Societe de Geographic for 1858 in a paper by M. Davezac upon the subject of the magnetic needle.

Regarding castles Latini writes: “As the English barons are frequently embroiled with their kings and with each other they take the precaution to build towers and high houses of stone, and outside provided with ditches, and fences, and walls, and towers, and bridges, and portcullises (porter colleyces). Et sont garnies de mangonians et de feetes et de toutes choses qui besoignent à guerre por deffendre, et por gregier, et por la vie des homes eus et hors maintenir”. He says he writes to his Florentine friend in romance (le Patois de France), because it is equally familiar to his correspondent, ” and is constantly spoken here in the Court of London, and is also the most delectable tongue I know”. (Castles Of England, Sir James D. Mackenzie, 1896)


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